Joshua Weiss

Executive Producer & Co-host

Joshua Weiss

Who is Joshua?

He is Co-Founder and CEO of ARK Multicasting. He serves as associate pastor atΒ Abundant Life AG in Grand Prairie, TX. He and his wife Nancy are also the worship leaders. Joshua serves as the chairmen of the TV Committee for the National Religious Broadcasters. He has an MA in strategic communications, and is nearing completion on his Ph.D. in communications at Regent University. His primary focus of research surrounds Bible engagement, Bible translation, and global evangelism.

The Family

In a nutshell, I am the luckiest man on the planet! Some would say I am really spoiled and can talk my way into getting whatever I want. Well, I did convince the most beautiful girl on the planet to be my wife. We’ve been married since June 3, 2000 and I have literally been on cloud nine ever since she said β€œyes” to letting me be her husband.

Then, for whatever reason, I was able to get the Lord to bless me with the most awesome kiddos I could ever imagine. Really! You’d be hard pressed to find cooler kids than mine. Elijah (20), Isaac (18), and Gabriella (16) bring me more joy than Luka DončiΔ‡ on β€œgame day.”

But it doesn’t really end there. I come from a pretty awesome family with a really great Jewish heritage. I get the opportunity to serve on the staff of one of the best churches in the world with one of the most people-loving pastors you’d ever meet. I also am blessed to live in the greatest nation on earth.

I guess if we are being honest, the thing that I have most to be thankful for is that I serve the King above all kings and the Lord above all lords, Jesus Christ. He loved me so much that He gave His life so that I could be set free from sin. He did all of this for me even though I didn’t deserve it in the least bit. HeΒ actually made a way for me to be able to go to heaven. So if I’m really gonna sum up β€œwho am I,” I’m a guy that is indebted to the Lord a debt that I could never pay back. So, you see, I can honestly say with confidence that I truly am the luckiest guy on earth. The cool thing is that there is room at the top for you too. All you gotta do is ask the Lord to be the Lord over your life also.


Follow Josh

Outside of Joshua’s time in ministry, he is an avid photographer participating in art shows throughout the year in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Much of his journey in photography has been through the travel and missions work done through CrossTalk. Many of the photos on this website come from those trips. Others can be seen on Follow him on Instagram or Facebook for daily posts @joshuadweiss.

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