Today With God India Translation

Reaching the nation of India with the gospel

    The Problem

    India is right in the middle of what is known as the 10/40 window. This is the geographic region of the world known to be the least reached with the Gospel message of Yeshua HaMashiach ~ Jesus the Messiah. Today With God has found fertile soil in India. Churches using this content have seen tremendous growth. One pastor reports an increase from 50 to 500 people simply by using the Today With God material. The largest barrier for CrossTalk to reach more people in India is the multitude of languages spoken there, and the lack of Today With God translated into those languages. This has hindered the spread of the the Gospel through the Today With God project in India.

    The Solution

    CrossTalk has translated the Today With God project into the top 11 languages of India which will cover the entire nation in at least one language understood by every person living there. These translations include the teaching curriculum and evangelistic program which asks and answers the question, “Who Is Jesus?” The project has been translated and distributed to over 30 churches across the nation of India. We are currently working on A Today With God app, that would allow the project to be distributed across the world.

    The Need

    Creating the Today With God app and continuing the translation work is expensive. Each language requires a dedicated team to translate, teams to conduct back-translation to verify the quality, and media teams to carry out the dramatic dubbing of the Gospel. The highly complex and intuitive app requires countless hours and man power. CrossTalk is working with our partners in India to distribute Today with God via the mobile app as well as flash drives and projectors to make this project accessible to people all over the nation. We need God’s help. Perhaps He is asking you to participate by sowing a seed to accomplish this important task.

    $60,295 of $200,000 raised

    We are committed to translating the Today With God series into the top 10 languages of India. This includes the entire Gospel of John, the Acts of the Apostles, and the introductory program which asks and answers the question, “Who is Jesus?” Your gift will aid in translation, replication of the finished product in each language, and complete distribution to the entire nation reaching 10,000 churches.

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