Randy Weiss Ph.D

President and Founder

Randy Weiss Ph.D

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His Testimony

Before he became the “respectable” Dr. Weiss: Randy was raised in an observant Jewish home in Gary, Indiana. In 1965, he joined a rock band. This led to heavy drug use; cocaine, LSD, crystal-meth, barbiturates, amphetamines, and everything in between from PCP to heroin experimentation. In 1972, he had dreams of fame after he cut his 1st record. January of 1973, he eloped with a lovely young Italian girl leaving on a combination honeymoon & record promotion tour. Within a couple of weeks, his new wife climbed out of their hand-painted 1964 VW. Bug and left him. On his honeymoon, Randy read “The Late Great Planet Earth.” His life was forever altered. God delivered him from drugs, restored his new marriage, and called Randy to salvation. Since 1973, Randy has boldly proclaimed the truth of his Jewish Messiah.

More About Dr. Weiss

Randy Weiss, Ph.D. (Founder, Partner, President) has over 35 years of experience in ministry, missions, and media outreach. He began his ministry in music in 1973 as a singer/ song-writer. This aspect of his ministry led to numerous occasions when he sang and testified at Nashville’s

Grand Ole Gospel Time on the famous Friday night Grand Ole Opry. From 1974 until the Iron Curtain came down, he worked with the Underground Church in Communist lands. In addition to serving as a smuggler of Christian

academic achievements have also allowed Dr. Weiss to serve as Dean of Jewish studies, and remain a seminary adjunct faculty member. In 1994, he launched CrossTalk, the long-running weekly television program that is still in production and seen internationally. He serves as president, host, and executive producer of the program. In 2004, Dr. Weiss founded CIMA–the CrossTalk International Ministry Alliance. CIMA shines a TV spotlight on other “Christian soldiers in the trenches.” Wycliffe Bible Translators, Gospel For Asia, World Missionary Evangelism, and others have joined this alliance. He also serves as host and executive producer of the highly acclaimed TV series, Today With God. The National Religious Broadcasters association recently presented Dr. Weiss with the 2008 award for “The Best Television Teaching Program of the Year” to honor his efforts on Today With God. In addition, he serves as founder, managing partner, and president of Excellence In Christian Broadcasting and EICB-TV.

Other Works

He also serves as host and executive producer of the highly acclaimed TV series, Today With God. The National Religious Broadcasters Association (NRB) has presented Dr. Weiss with the award for “The Best Television Teaching Program of the Year” to honor his efforts on Today With God.

Dr. Weiss is the Government Affairs Liaison for the NRB Television Committee and currently serves on the NRB Board of Directors. Randy is a founding member and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Advanced Television Broadcasting Alliance. He is also an experienced broadcaster and co-founder of the Low Power TV (LPTV) network Excellence In Christian Broadcasting (EICB).


While earning his Masters of Science in Jewish Studies from a well-respected Jewish institution, Randy learned about the Jewishness of the early Church. It drew him deeper into faith and education. His fascination with the Jewish connection to Christianity led to three undergraduate degrees, two masters degrees, and finally, two doctorates. This intense academic process has served him well in Christian television. It has given him the research skills to disarm the most intellectual skeptics while sharing the simple truth of the gospel. Randy’s Jewish wit, his warm humor, and his provocative barbs are mixed with a deep sense of Jewish heritage, a commitment to excellence, and an unshakable faith in the God of Israel who gave us His son, Jesus.

Complete List of Dr. Weiss’s Degrees:

-Associate in Applied Science, College of DuPage.

-Diploma of Practical Theology with Jewish Studies Minor, Christ for the Nations Institute

-Bachelor of Arts and Science, Dallas Baptist University.

-Master of Arts in Religious Studies, Greenwich University.

-Master of Science in Jewish Studies, Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies.

-Doctor of Ministry in Religious Educ., Columbia Evangelical Seminary.

-Doctor of Philosophy in Rel. Studies, Greenwich University.

Written Works

As the author of several books, Dr. Weiss has distinguished himself as thought provoking leader in the world of Jewish history and Jewish Christian Relations. Check out his collection of books and delve into a deeper understanding of the Jewishness of Jesus Christ.

Music & CDs

Dr. Weiss’s Ministry began with music in 1973 as a singer/ song-writer. This aspect of his ministry led to numerous occasions when he sang and testified at Nashville’s Grand Ole Gospel Time on the famous Friday night Grand Ole Opry. Since that time Dr. Weiss has continued to write preform and record original songs, many of which are used in his TV program CrossTalk.

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