Cuban Pastors

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    The Problem

    CrossTalk International and Today With God have been working in Cuba since 2010. Our efforts, and your giving have produced incredible results. Over 30,000 people have been presented with the Gospel presentation, and over 5,000 have come to faith as a result of Today With God. 13 different seminary locations are utilizing Today With God in their programs, and roughly 50 churches have been planted because of the fruitful work done with Today With God. With so much growth, and with so many new converts changing professions and lifestyles so drastically, a new need has arisen. These new pastors are leaving government vocations to be in full time ministry. They need help supporting their families while in ministry.

    The Solution

    CrossTalk International will not leave these new pastors to fend for themselves as they get their feet under them. That’s why we have taken on the task of assisting these Cuban families as they relentlessly chase the lost souls of their nation. We have committed to provide financial support, prayer support, and Today With God materials as we come alongside the harvesters.

    The Need

    For only $50 a month, you can help these fiery preachers and their families as they do the work of God for the people of Cuba. For every monthly support pledge, CrossTalk has a donor committed to matching each donation. That means your $50 becomes $100 dollars and we can support two pastors and their families!

    $10 of $3,500 raised

    The monthly support for a pastor and family in Cuba is $50. This covers all their living expenses, and permits them the opportunity to be in full time ministry. These pastors are actively using the Today With God materials to evangelize and disciple the people of Cuba.

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