Leprosy Outreach

Making a difference for the Outcast

    The Problem

    Did you know that leprosy still exists today. It is more prevalent in some parts of the world like the 10/40 Window of India. Modern medicine can actually cure the disease and stop it’s spread. However, if a leper has the choice to take the medicine that could save their life or sell it for money to buy food, the daily need for food will usually win. India is home to one of the largest Leper colonies in the world. The lepers of this community are cast out from society, and left wandering the street slowly dying from this horrible disease.


    The Solution

    CrossTalk International has partnered with World Missionary Evangelism to build a leper clinic in the heart of the largest leper colony in India. This clinic provides food, medicine, clothing, and most importantly, the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. By fulfilling the physical and spiritual needs of these societal cast-outs, we are providing hope for today, tomorrow, and eternity! Since it’s completion in 2007, countless lepers have found food, love, and the Gospel.

    The Need

    Food, medicine, clothing, and general upkeep of the clinic cost money. CrossTalk International provides all the necessary funding on a monthly basis to cover the medical supplies, food, clothing, and the presentation of the Gospel to every Leper that comes through the door. For just $500, you can cover an entire month of this important ministry to “the least of these.” We need your help. Will you partner with us by giving a one time gift? Would you consider making this a monthly commitment? Even $10 or $25 monthly makes a huge impact.

    $320 of $500 raised

    The monthly cost to support the CrossTalk Leper Clinic is $500. How many days can you commit to cover on a monthly basis to make sure these Lepers are taken care of with food, medicine, clothing, and being shared the Gospel message? (One time gifts are certainly appreciated as well).

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    Donation Total: $25.00 Monthly

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