Today With God in India
We have seen tremendous impact from presenting Today With God to villages in India. We are committed to translating this project into the top 10 languages of India, and then spreading the Gospel across the nation on USB flash drives and mobile projectors to more than 10,000 churches!
Children's Home
CrossTalk supports a children's home in India. These are children of leprosy patients that our leper clinic cares for. By providing food and shelter separate from the infected family, these children are given a hope for a future without the disease while still being able to grow up with their family nearby.
Leper Clinic
Leprosy is still a very real problem in the world. With modern medicine, it is actually curable. Unfortunately, just like in the time of Jesus, those with leprosy are outcasts in society. The CrossTalk Leper Clinic provides food, water, clothes, and medicine to ``the least of these.`` This allows the Gospel message to be shared.
Cuban Pastoral Ministry
Revival is taking place across the island of Cuba. The evangelistic ministry of Today With God is being shared with tens of thousands, and people are coming to faith. CrossTalk now supports 61 full time pastors across the island. Help us continue to plant churches and support the work of the Lord.
Cuban Flash Drives
Cuba is hungry for the Gospel. The Today With God project presents the entire Gospel of John, the Acts of the Apostles, and the evangelistic project ``Who Is Jesus?`` in a Cuban dialect of Spanish. Help us spread the Gospel and discipleship materials across Cuba on USB flash drives.
Bless Israel
It may seem like a small thing, but one of the easiest ways to bless Israel is to plant trees across the nation. This tradition is a big part of why Israel is now an oasis in the desert of the Middle East. Be a part of impacting Israel with the simple gesture of planting a tree. You can even dedicate the tree to a loved one.